Part 33:Get+形容詞3
Getと形容詞の組み合わせPart 3。
穴埋めをしましょう。日本語の意味になるように 、( ) に該当する形容詞を入れてください。(最初の文字指定)
1. I get all ( s ) when I eat curry.
2. He always starts bragging when he gets ( d ).
3. I got ( s ) in a traffic jam on the way here.
4. You shouldn't let yourself get ( j ) of other people.
5. I’m getting ( i ) here. Make up your mind.
1. I get all sweaty when I eat curry.
2. He always starts bragging when he gets drunk.
3. I got stuck in a traffic jam on the way here.
4. You shouldn't let yourself get jealous of other people.
5. I’m getting impatient here. Make up your mind.
1. get all sweaty「汗だくになる」⇨ I get sweaty palms when I have to speak in front of people.「人前で話すとなると、手に汗かいちゃうんだよ」。sweaty「汗まみれの」はsweat「汗」の形容詞形。
2. get drunk「酔う」⇨ I get drunk easily, so I can't have too much.「すぐに酔うから、あまり飲めない」。
3. get stuck「身動きが取れなくなる」⇨ If you take a taxi, you'll get stuck in traffic.「タクシーに乗ると、渋滞に巻き込まれるよ」。
4. get jealous「妬む」⇨ Don't get so jealous just because a coworker got promoted before you did.「同僚が先に出世したからといって、ひがむのはよせ」。
5. get impatient「いらいらする、もどかしい思いをする」⇨ Don't you feel impatient, being unable to speak well?「うまく話せなくて、もどかしく思われませんか?」。
英語トレーナー 岩村圭南
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