【第2回】Let's Build Up Your Vocabulary! 語彙トレ(11)-(20) | マイナビブックス



【第2回】Let's Build Up Your Vocabulary! 語彙トレ(11)-(20)

2014.12.09 | 岩村圭南

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Let's Build Up Your Vocabulary!




(11)truth 「真実」

I didn't have the courage to speak the truth.


◎have the courage to ~「~する勇気がある」、speak the truth「真実を言う」。(例)Tell me the truth. You did it, didn't you?「本当のことを言いなさい。あなたがやったんでしょ」。


(12)anorexia 「拒食症、食欲不振」

Anorexia can be a life-threatening problem.




(13)questionnaire 「アンケート」

Return this questionnaire and you could win a prize.


◎questionnaireの発音は[クエスチョ*ネア]。「アンケート」はフランス語に由来。(例)Please fill out this questionnaire.「このアンケートにお答えください」。


(14)strategy 「戦略、方策」

Our company has several strategies for beating the competition.


◎形容詞はstrategicです。(例)strategic manuals for computer games「ゲームの攻略本」。beat the competition「競争相手を打ち負かす」。


(15)ball 「とても楽しい時」

The kids had a ball playing with their new bicycles.


◎have a ball ~ing「~をして大いに楽しむ」。have a blastでも同じような意味になります。


(16)resolution 「決意、決心」

I didn't break my New Year's resolution until June.


◎「お正月にどんな誓いを立てたの?」はWhat's your New Year's resolution?と言います。break「(法、約束などを)破る」。


(17)perseverance 「根気、忍耐力」

This kind of work takes a lot of perseverance. 




(18)liar 「嘘つき」

Who are you calling a liar?


◎「嘘(名詞)、嘘をつく(動詞)」はlieですね。(例)His lie was transparent.「彼の嘘は見え見えだった」、I can't believe she lied to us.「彼女が僕たちに嘘をついたなんて信じられない」。


(19)mood 「気分、機嫌」

I'm not in the mood to talk to anyone now. 


◎be in the mood to ~「~したい気分である」。I'm in the mood for a drink tonight.「今夜は飲みたい気分」。この言い回しも覚えておきましょう。


(20)operation 「手術」

I heard that you had an operation on your stomach.


◎have an operation on ~「~の手術を受ける」。(例)He had an operation on his elbow.「彼は肘の手術を受けた」。



Let's Fill in the Blanks! 穴埋め(11)-(20)



(11)I didn't have the courage to speak the ( t     ).


(12)( A    ) can be a life-threatening problem.


(13)Return this ( q    ) and you could win a prize.


(14)Our company has several ( s    ) for beating the competition.


(15)The kids had a ( b    ) playing with their new bicycles.


(16)I didn't break my New Year's ( r    ) until June.


(17)This kind of work takes a lot of ( p    ). 


(18)Who are you calling a ( l    )?


(19)I'm not in the ( m    ) to talk to anyone now.


(20)I heard that you had an ( o    ) on your stomach.



(11) truth
(12) Anorexia
(13) questionnaire
(14) strategies
(15) ball
(16) resolution
(17) perseverance
(18) liar
(19) mood
(20) operation