【第3回】Let's Build Up Your Vocabulary! 語彙トレ(21)-(30) | マイナビブックス



【第3回】Let's Build Up Your Vocabulary! 語彙トレ(21)-(30)

2014.12.09 | 岩村圭南

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Let's Build Up Your Vocabulary!




(21)planet 「惑星」

Do you think there is life on other planets?


◎「惑星」はplanet、「衛星」はsatelliteですね。other planetsをMarsにすれば「火星に生命が存在すると思う?」の意味。


(22)goose bumps 「鳥肌」

The story was so scary that it gave me goose bumps. 


◎so ~ that …「とても~なので…」の構文にも注意。例文をもう一つ。I got goose bumps just looking at it.「それを見ているだけで鳥肌が立った」。


(23)procedure 「手続き、手順」

What's the procedure for getting a business license?


◎business license「営業免許(許可)」。He demonstrated work safety procedures.は「彼は作業の安全な手順を実際にやって見せた」の意味。


(24)touch 「接触、連絡」

I've been out of touch with him for a long time.


◎be out of touch「音信不通で」。(例)Let's keep in touch.「連絡を取り合おう」。


(25)bribe 「賄賂」

Taking bribes is not only illegal but it's also morally wrong.


◎動名詞Taking bribesが主語になっています。not only ~ but (also) …「~だけでなく…も」、illegal「違法の」、morally「道徳的に」。「贈収賄」はbriberyと言います。


(26)length 「長さ」

Due to the length of the movie, it had to be shown in two parts.


◎due to ~「~のせいで」。「幅」はwidth、「厚さ」はthicknessです。


(27)bill 「勘定、請求書」

Let's split the bill three ways.


◎4人ならfour ways、5人ならfive waysですね。billを使った例文をもう一つ挙げておきます。How can I pay this bill by the end of the month?「どうすれば月末までにこの請求書の支払いができるの?」。


(28)proposal 「提案」

What did the client say to your proposal?


◎動詞はproposeです。Column 2参照。


(29)leftover 「(食べ物などの)残り物」

My mother can turn leftovers into a great meal.


◎turn ~ into …「~を…にする」。(例)They turned the vacant lot into a park.「彼らはその空き地を公園にした」。


(30)cartoon 「漫画映画、アニメ」

These cartoons no longer entertain the children like they used to.


◎「アニメ(ーション)」はanimated cartoonとも言います。no longer「もはや~でない」、entertain「楽しませる」。(例)entertain the clients「クライアントを接待する」。used toの後にentertain the childrenが省略されています。



Let's Fill in the Blanks! 穴埋め(21)-(30)



(21)Do you think there is life on other ( p    )?


(22)The story was so scary that it gave me ( g    ) ( b    ). 


(23)What's the ( p    ) for getting a business license?


(24)I've been out of ( t    ) with him for a long time.


(25)Taking ( b    ) is not only illegal but it's also morally wrong.


(26)Due to the ( l    ) of the movie, it had to be shown in two parts.


(27)Let's split the ( b    ) three ways.


(28)What did the client say to your ( p    )?


(29)My mother can turn ( l    ) into a great meal.


(30)These ( c    ) no longer entertain the children like they used to.



(21) planets
(22) goose bumps
(23) procedure
(24) touch
(25) bribes
(26) length
(27) bill
(28) proposal
(29) leftovers
(30) cartoons