英語を使いこなす! Point 438:覚えておきたい表現・言い回し《too many》 | マイナビブックス


英語を使いこなす! Point 438:覚えておきたい表現・言い回し《too many》

2021.10.29 | 岩村圭南

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Point 438:覚えておきたい表現・言い回し《too many》

今回のポイントはtoo many。穴埋めをしながら使い方をチェック!(最初の文字が与えられています。)

1. I had ( o   ) too many last night.
2. Too many people are ( l   ) that.

had one too manyでdrank too muchの意味になります。「そういう」はlike that、「こういう」はlike thisですね。



3. There are too many ( d   ).
4. She ( s   ) on too many sweets.
5. Too many ( c   ) spoil the broth.
6. There are too many ( s   ) stories.

7. You always say one ( w   ) too many.
8. We visited too many temples to ( r   ).
9. We had too many minor accidents to ( c   ).
10. He's got too many rolls of ( f   ) around his middle.


3. distractions 4. snacks 5. cooks 6. side
7. word 8. remember 9. count 10. fat

英語トレーナー 岩村圭南

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