英語を使いこなす!Point 609 (Point 30拡大版):満足する英語+α | マイナビブックス


英語を使いこなす!Point 609 (Point 30拡大版):満足する英語+α

2023.03.08 | 岩村圭南

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Point 609 (Point 30拡大版):満足する英語+α

Point 609はPoint 30にコメント及び例文を追加した拡大版です!「満足する」はsatisfied, pleased, happyで表現します。

It's a work in progress. And I'm not satisfied yet.
I was quite pleased by their service.
I was happy with the food at that restaurant.



I'm pretty satisfied with my time.
I'm satisfied with the firm I work for.
I'm very satisfied with your presentation today.


What does it take to satisfy them?
Working here gives me a lot of satisfaction.
I don't find his job satisfying.


Thanks to you all, it's been a successful year.
You've made a very competent proposal presentation.
That movie was far better than I expected.
You can eat to your heart's content.
→満足いくまで (思う存分) 食べていいよ。
Sorry I didn't wake you. You were sleeping so contentedly.


He seems to be dissatisfied with the way things are done here.
You can see his dissatisfaction in his face.
Popular dissatisfaction with the government is growing.
Am I unhappy at work? Don't get me started.

英語トレーナー 岩村圭南

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