今週の英文チェック(復習97回)音読、会話、作文、文法、表現 | マイナビブックス



2017.11.04 | 岩村圭南

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1. This computer class is too advanced.
I can't keep up, so I'm going to quit.
I want to study at my own pace.

2. I walked home through the park last night.
It was pitch dark.
I was scared to death, but I made it home OK.

3. She would make a good mother.
She has a lot of patience.
And she's very understanding.

1. A: I'd better water the plants. 
B: Are you sure you're not overwatering them?

2. A: Did you do much skiing last season?
B: No, not a bit actually.

3. A: That's a lovely painting. Is it yours?
B: Yes, I painted it in my student days.

【Part 1】
1. She has a sharp tongue.
2. He's acting modest as usual.
3. Do you have a college degree?

【Part 2 】
4. a. My eyes are bad, so I can't read fine print.
b. I can't read small print because of poor eyesight.

5. a. No matter what I do, I can't get rid of this anger.
b. This anger won't go away, no matter what I do.

【Part 3 】
6. They've stopped the trains because somebody walked onto the railway, and at the moment there's no sign they'll start up again.

1. Don't just stand there. Do something!
2. I can't stand it anymore.
3. My legs fell asleep and I couldn't stand up.
4. See that tall man standing by the window?
5. I don't want to stand in line for it.

6. Do you realize where you stand at this point?
7. I can't stand the morning rush hour.
8. It's your fault for standing her up.
9. Let's stand by each other through thick and thin.
10. A lot of people were standing in line for an autograph. 

1. Mmmm. Delicious!
2. What does it taste like?
3. This is light and tasty.
4. You think it's too salty?
5. It's obvious that it's sweet.


水曜日《作文》に出てきたas usualを使った例文をいくつか挙げておきましょう。

As usual, he's slow to act
He's henpecked, as usual.
It's been the same as usual here.
As usual, you still rely on forceful tactics.
Last night I was watching TV, eating dinner as usual.

また来週。See you next week.

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