今週の英文チェック(復習87回)音読、会話、作文、文法、表現 | マイナビブックス



2017.08.26 | 岩村圭南

  • mixiチェック
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1. A two-hour commute each way.
This is ridiculous!
I have to get a place closer to the office.

2. Why does he collect coins?
Don't ask me.
I have no idea.

3. That's not funny anymore.
So just cut it out.
Your joke has gone too far.

1. A: That will be 75 dollars and 80 cents.
B: Do you prefer cash?

2. A: What do you think about getting a dog?
B: That sounds like a good idea.

3. A: The athletic meet was postponed until next Sunday.
B: That's too bad. I was looking forward to it.

【Part 1】
1. I don't need a bag, thanks.
2. That looks like the work of a virus.
3. I've met lots of people through this hobby.

【Part 2】
4. a. I'd like to order this book.
b. I'd like to put in an order for this book.

5. a. I never stole that money. I was wrongly accused.
b. I didn't steal that money. It's a false accusation.

【Part 3】
6. More and more people these days place more importance on doing what they want to than on making money.

1. Turn right at the next traffic light.
2. Today I turn twenty.
3. You've come too far to turn back now.
4. Turn on the ventilation fan.
5. I wonder if I turned off the iron.

6. Turn to the left at the fire station there.
7. I turn bright red when I drink.
8. You can't turn back the hands of time.
9. I can't turn on the TV with the remote.
10. Are you sure you turned off the gas?

1. Enough excuses.
2. Excuses don't work.
3. Excuses will get you nowhere.
4. What should I use for an excuse?
5. How can you tell such a lame excuse?



I prefer to live alone.
I prefer subtitles to dubbing.
Do you prefer essay questions or multiple choice?
I prefer cakes or candies to alcohol, but I do drink.
Would you prefer an aisle, a window or a middle seat?

それではまた。See you soon.

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