英語を使いこなす! Point 584:覚えておきたい表現・言い回し《名詞・動詞end》 | マイナビブックス


英語を使いこなす! Point 584:覚えておきたい表現・言い回し《名詞・動詞end》

2022.11.23 | 岩村圭南

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Point 584:覚えておきたい表現・言い回し《名詞・動詞end》


1. Persistence will ( p   ) off in the end.
2. I can hardly wait to see ( h   ) it ends.

pay offが「報われる」に当たる表現。how it ends「どのように終わるか」→「結末」。



3. Here's wishing you happiness ( w   ) end.
4. I feel like I got the short end of the ( s   ).
5. We see no light at the end of the ( t   ) now.
6. Making ends ( m   ) on this monthly salary isn't easy.

7. His life in baseball ended this ( s   ).
8. The Foreign Ministry reform ended in ( c   ).
9. I could end up getting ( f   ) over this.
10. Eating out ends up ( c   ) more than cooking at home.


3. without 4. stick 5. tunnel 6. meet
7. season 8. collapse 9. fired 10. costing

英語トレーナー 岩村圭南

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