英語を使いこなす! Point 576:覚えておきたい表現・言い回し《arriveとarrival》 | マイナビブックス


英語を使いこなす! Point 576:覚えておきたい表現・言い回し《arriveとarrival》

2022.11.04 | 岩村圭南

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Point 576:覚えておきたい表現・言い回し《arriveとarrival》


1. I'll ( g   ) you a call when I arrive.
2. What's the flight's ( s   ) arrival time?

「電話する」をgive ~ a callで表現。scheduled arrival timeが「到着予定時刻」に当たる言い回し。



3. The books you ( o   ) have arrived.
4. We arrived late, thanks to a ( f   ) tire.
5. I’ll ( s   ) you around when you arrive.
6. We arrived at a mutually ( s   ) conclusion.

7. ( C   ) on the arrival of your new baby.
8. The plane's arrival was ( d   ) due to poor visibility.
9. Word of the strangers' arrival traveled quickly ( t   ) the village.
10. How ( s   ) after the arrival of the new year do you start working?


3. ordered 4. flat 5. show 6. satisfactory
7. Congratulations 8. delayed 9. through 10. soon

英語トレーナー 岩村圭南

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