英語を使いこなす! Point 542:覚えておきたい表現・言い回し《This is what / where ~》 | マイナビブックス


英語を使いこなす! Point 542:覚えておきたい表現・言い回し《This is what / where ~》

2022.08.03 | 岩村圭南

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Point 542:覚えておきたい表現・言い回し《This is what / where ~》

今回のポイントはThis is what / where ~。穴埋めをしながら使い方をチェック!(最初の文字が与えられています。)

1. This is what I like the ( b   ).
2. This is where he ( t   ) us to come.

what I like the bestで「一番好きなこと(物)」、he told us to comeで「彼が私たちに来るように言った」の意味に。



3. This is what I ( h   ) the most.
4. This is what's ( c   ) a “loop bus.”
5. This is what it ( s   ) in the dictionary.
6. This is what American food is all ( a   ).

7. This is where there was a ( h   ) accident.
8. This is where the summit was ( h   ) last year.
9. This is where we need to ( m   ) our best effort.
10. This is where we need you to blast one ( o   ) of the park.


3. hate 4. called 5. said 6. about
7. hit-and-run 8. held 9. make10. out

英語トレーナー 岩村圭南

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