英語を使いこなす! Point 475:覚えておきたい表現・言い回し《under》 | マイナビブックス


英語を使いこなす! Point 475:覚えておきたい表現・言い回し《under》

2022.02.07 | 岩村圭南

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Point 475:覚えておきたい表現・言い回し《under》


1. It's all water under the ( b   ).
2. He drank himself under the ( t   ).

water under the bridgeが「過ぎてしまったこと」、under the tableが「酔い潰れて」に当たる言い回し。



3. Do you work better under a ( d   )?
4. I’m feeling a little under the ( w   ) today.
5. This product won't break under normal ( u   ).
6. There's no time to waste. I'm under the ( g   ).

7. Fully ten locations are under ( i   ) in this case.
8. I saw somebody jogging under this ( b   ) sun.
9. A traffic safety campaign is currently under ( w   ).
10. Universities are under serious ( p   ) to carry out reforms.


3. deadline 4. weather 5. use 6. gun
7. investigation 8. blazing 9. way 10. pressure

英語トレーナー 岩村圭南

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