悠悠自適 英語で四字熟語149 | マイナビブックス


悠悠自適 英語で四字熟語149

2023.08.22 | 岩村圭南

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《今日のFUP:1154》 悠悠自適 ─ ゆうゆうじてき
「若くして巨万の富を得た彼は、40代で悠々自適の生活を送っている」 ─ After building a vast fortune in his youth, he’s living a life of comfort in his 40s.

build a vast fortune「巨万の富を築く」。a life of comfort「何の苦労もない (快適な) 生活」で「悠々自適な生活」を表現。a life of leisureとも言えます。leisure「のんびりとした気楽さ」。take life easy「気楽に暮らす」も使えます。After building a vast fortune in his youth, he’s taking life easy in his 40s.
(例) 「退職後、彼はかなり暇を持て余していた」─ He had lots of time on his hands after retirement.
 ・have time on one’s hands「暇 (時間) を持て余す」。


「午後の会議で、その議題について侃侃諤諤の議論が交わされた」─ There was a heated discussion about that issue at the afternoon meeting. / We had a heated discussion on ~ / A heated discussion was held about ~
「白熱した議論 (侃侃諤諤の議論)」─ a (very) heated discussion / debate
「言い争いは止めて、折衷案の議論を始めるべきだと思う」─ I think we should stop arguing and start discussing a compromise.
Extra Bit:「この無意味な議論はもうたくさんだ」─ I've had enough of this pointless discussion.

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