【第1816】実力試し  | マイナビブックス



2022.11.14 | 岩村圭南

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「マラソン大会に出てみたらいい。実力試しに」─ You should enter a marathon race. It'll be a good gauge of your real ability.
real ability「実際の能力」とgauge「尺度、評価基準」を組み合わせて「実力試し」を表現。Try running a real marathon and you'll find out what you're really made of.とも言えます。what you're really made of「本当の力」。
(例)「彼は名ばかりで実力がない」─ His only strength is his famous name.


「車の運転は、理屈ではなく慣れです」─ Driving is a skill you have to hone, not a theory you study. / Learning to drive means getting used to driving, not studying theory.
「(腕や技術に)磨きをかける(慣れ)」─ hone
「理屈」─ theory
「~に慣れる」─ get used to ~
「彼は新入社員だから、慣れるまでに2、3週間はかかるだろう」─ He's a new employee. It'll take a few weeks before he's broken in.
Extra Bit:「彼女は先週働き出したばかりだが、もうすでに(仕事に)慣れている」─ She started working here last week, and she's already got her sea legs.

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