【第1769】会話が一方通行 | マイナビブックス



2022.09.08 | 岩村圭南

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「彼女は聞かれたことに頷くだけで、会話が一方通行なんだよね」─ All she does is listen and nod, so a conversation with her is always one-sided.
one-sidedは形容詞で「一方通行の」という意味。Conversationsで始めて、次のようにも言えます。Conversations with her are one-sided since all she does is listen and nod.
(例)「ここの通りはすべて一方通行です」─ The streets here are all one-way.


「この種の保険は掛け捨てが多い」─ With this type of insurance, most policies don't come with a maturity refund. / This type of insurance usually doesn't include a refund payment.
「満期の際の返金がない(掛け捨て)」─ not come with a maturity refund
「払い戻しが含まれていない」─ not include a refund payment
「これは積立式の保険ですか、それとも、掛け捨て?」─ Is this savings-type insurance, or term insurance?
Extra Bit:「最近は地震保険に入る人が増えている」─ Lately a lot more people are taking out earthquake insurance.

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