【第1761】雨ばかり降る | マイナビブックス



2022.08.29 | 岩村圭南

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「最近は雨ばかり降るから、商売上がったりだ」─ We've had nothing but rain lately, so business is dead.
have nothing but rainで「雨ばかり降る」を表現。with all this rain「こう雨ばかりだと」を使って、Business is in the dumps lately with all this rain.とも言えます。be in the dumps「低迷している」。
(例)「こう雨ばかりじゃ、洗濯物が乾かない」─ With this constant rainfall, the laundry just won't dry.


「こう忙しくちゃ、体がいくつあっても足りない」─ I'm so busy that no matter how many of me there were it wouldn't be enough. / I have so much to do that I couldn't finish it no matter how many of me there were.
「何人の私」─ how many of me / no matter how many of me
「一日48時間あったらな」─ I wish there were 48 hours in a day.
Extra Bit:「現金が500円足りなかったからカードで払った」─ I was 500 yen short, so I paid with a credit card.

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