【第1754】てっきり | マイナビブックス



2022.08.04 | 岩村圭南

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「てっきり君がコピー機を壊したのかと思っていた」─ I was sure you were the one who broke the copy machine.
「てっきり」のニュアンスはbe sure、be convinced「確信する」で表せます。I was convinced that it was you who broke the copy machine.
(例)「へー、そうなんだ。てっきり君だと思ってた」─ Oh, so that's who it was. I was sure it was you.


「人間関係に耐えられなくなって会社を辞めた」─ I quit my job because I couldn't stand the people I worked with. / I couldn't stand the office politics anymore, and quit my job.
「耐えられなかった」─ couldn't stand
「人間関係(一緒に働いていた人たち)」─ the people I worked with
「社内の駆け引き」─ office politics
「職場でいい人間関係を保つのは大切である」─ It's important to maintain good relationships at work.
Extra Bit:「お酒は人間関係を滑らかにする潤滑油です」─ Liquor is like a lubricant that helps people get along smoothly.

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