【第1739】彼女一筋 | マイナビブックス



2022.07.14 | 岩村圭南

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「あいつ彼女一筋だったのに、振られちゃったんだ」─ He was devoted to her, but she dumped him.
be devoted to ~「~を熱愛する」で「一筋」を表現しています。dump「捨てる」。single-minded「ひたむきな」を使って、次のようにも言えます。She dumped him despite his single-minded devotion to her.
(例)「彼女に夢中なんだ」─ She's all I think about.


「今日は水温が低いから、プールには入れないな」─ I can't go in the pool today. The water's too cold. / We can't swim in the pool today. The water temperature is too low.
「水温が低い(水が冷たすぎる)」─ The water's too cold.
「水温」─ the water temperature
「つま先で水がどれだけ冷たいか調べてみた」─ I felt the water with my toe to see how cold it was.
Extra Bit:「ここの空気は暖かいけど、海水の温度は驚くほど低い」─ The air is warm here, but the ocean temperature is surprisingly low.

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