【第1548】察する | マイナビブックス



2021.09.15 | 岩村圭南

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「とにかく、相手の気持ちを察することが必要なんだよ」─ Anyway, you have to sense the other person's feelings.
この場合のsenseは動詞で「感じる」の意味。intuit「直感で知る」も使えます。At any rate, you need to intuit what the other person is thinking.
(例)「ねえ、言ってよ。人の心なんか読めないんだから」─ Well, tell me. I'm not a mind reader.


「彼はまだ20代なのに、言うことがどうもおじん臭い 」─ He talks like a guy who's over the hill even though he's still in his 20s. / Even though he's still in his 20s, he talks like a middle-aged man.
「おやじ(もう若くない人)のよう(おじん臭い)」─ like a guy who's over the hill
「中年の男性」─ a middle-aged man
「年相応の振る舞いをしろよ」─ Act your age.
Extra Bit:「30才になって、お前も貫禄がついてきたな」─ You've taken on a more mature bearing now that you're 30.

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