【第1546】落ち合う | マイナビブックス



2021.09.13 | 岩村圭南

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「5時に駅前の喫茶店で落ち合うことにしましょう」─ Let's get together at five at the coffee shop in front of the station.
get together「集まる」で「落ち合う」を表現。meet「会う」を使ってもいいでしょう。I'll meet you at the coffee shop in front of the station at five.
(例)「じゃあ、あそこで10時にね」─ OK, I'll see you there at 10.


「この指輪を渡した時の彼女の喜ぶ顔が目に浮かぶようだ」─ I can picture the expression of joy on her face when I give her this ring. / I can just see the expression of joy she'll have on her face when I hand this ring to her.
「心に描く(目に浮かぶ)」─ picture
「見える」─ can see
「僕にはわかるんだ。君はいつか有名な映画俳優になる」─ I can see it now. You'll be a famous movie star some day.
Extra Bit:「彼が何を考えているか想像がつかない」─ I can't imagine what he must be thinking.

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