【第1529】角が取れる | マイナビブックス



2021.08.05 | 岩村圭南

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「最近、彼は角が取れて丸くなったね」─ Lately he's smoothed out the rough edges of his character and mellowed.
smooth out the rough edges「でこぼこ(ざらつき)を取り除く」で「角が取れる」、mellow「柔らかくなる」で「丸くなる」を表現。take the edge off ~「~を和らげる、弱める」を使って、Something has taken the edge off him lately. He seems to have become more mature.とも言えます。matureの意味は「成熟した、分別のある」。
(例)「最近、部長も丸くなったね」─ Our manager has mellowed out these days.


「人の立場になって考えることも時には必要だよ」─ It's good to put yourself in someone else's place now and then. / Sometimes putting yourself in someone else's shoes helps you understand.
「人の立場になる」─ put oneself in someone else's place / shoes
「ちょっと僕の立場になってみてよ」─ Put yourself in my shoes for a second.
Extra Bit:「相手の立場になって考えなければ、人を判断するのは簡単なことだ」─ It's easy to judge someone when you haven't walked a mile in their shoes.

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