【1月19日(日)セミナー(東京)に参加された皆さんへ:Part 1】復習 | マイナビブックス


【1月19日(日)セミナー(東京)に参加された皆さんへ:Part 1】復習

2020.01.19 | 岩村圭南

  • mixiチェック
  • このエントリーをはてなブックマークに追加


Check 1~Check 5

Check 6~Check 10




1. It's time to take attendance.
2. Before we start, I'd like to take attendance.
3. First off, we'll see who's here and who's not.
4. I see that everyone is here today.
5. Listen carefully, and say "here" when you hear your name called.
6. Be sure to respond when you hear your name called.
7. It's time for a quiz.
8. Next, we're having a quiz, but it's a brief one.
9. Are you ready for a quiz? I hope so.
10. I've prepared a little test for you today.
11. That's exactly right.
12. You got it.
13. Bingo!
14. Correct!
15. That's the right answer.
16. That's the kind of answer I like to hear.
17. You hit the nail on the head.
18. That's almost the correct answer.
19. You almost got it.
20. That's just about right.
21. You're so close (to getting it right). Try again.
22. That's not quite right.
23. I'm afraid that's not right.
24. Can I have an example or two?
25. Let's hear an example.
26. Who can offer me an example of this idea?
27. Is there anyone here who can give me an example?
28. Does anyone want to offer an example?
29. Any questions?
30. Does anyone have a question?
31. Surely there must be some questions about this.
32. Are you sure you don't have any questions to ask?
33. Attention, everyone!
34. Listen carefully, now.
35. This is important, so be sure to pay attention.
36. Do I have everyone's full attention?
37. No teasing!
38. Teasing is not acceptable in this classroom!
39. Teasing will not be tolerated in this classroom!
40. How would you like it if someone did that to you?
41. How would you like it if someone teased you like that?
42. You wouldn't want to be treated like that, would you?
43. Stop picking on him/her!
44. We don't have much time left today.
45. Time is almost up.
46. Here's your homework assignment.
47. There's no homework assignment this week.
48. I just want to say one more thing before we go.
49. That's just about it for today
50. That just about does it for today.


If you want to build up your English muscles, daily practice is a must, and reading out loud is fundamental.

英語トレーナー 岩村圭南

1. 最新刊・・・【改訂版】英語の正しい発音の仕方(リズム・イントネーション編)
2. 最新刊・・・CD【改訂版】英語の正しい発音の仕方(リズム・イントネーション編)
3. 最新刊・・・【改訂版】英語の正しい発音の仕方(基礎編)
4. 最新刊・・・CD【改訂版】英語の正しい発音の仕方(基礎編)
5. 最新刊・・・『英語は書いて身につける』
6. 書籍・・・『絶対話せる!英文法』
7. 書籍・・・『1分間英語 (イングリッシュ) 日常会話イディオム編』
8. 書籍・・・『1分間英語 (イングリッシュ) グラマー-動詞表現編』
9. 書籍・・・『1分間英語 (イングリッシュ) スピーキング編』
10. 書籍・・・『1分間英語 (イングリッシュ) リスニング編』
11. 書籍・・・『困った場面を切り抜ける 簡単カタコト英会話』⇒マイナビ⇒アマゾン
12. おすすめ電子書籍・・・『英語の筋肉の鍛え方』
13. 短篇小説<電子書籍>・・・『コマドリ頭巾』(英語教師が語る少年Bの話)
