1. Click "Create a new account" (新規会員登録) button.
2. Fill out the registration form.
Red icons are displayed on the right side of the required items.
(1) お名前 (Name): Last name and First name.
(2) ふりがな (Name): Last name and First name in Hiragana.
* Please enter the same information as #(1).
(3) ご住所 (Address):
* If you are overseas customer, please enter
[000]-[0000] for the postal code (郵便番号), and select
Overseas (海外) (the end of the prefecture list) for the Prefecture (都道府県).
(4) 電話番号 (Phone number):
(5) メールアドレス (Mail address):
(6) パスワード (Password):
* Password length should be
8 to 16 characters of combination of numerals and alphabets.
3. Click "Agree to the terms and proceed" (規約に同意して、次に進む) button.
Confirmation email will be automatically sent to your registered email address. Please click confirmation link within 12 hours.
4. Once you click confirmation link at #3, you will be automatically connected to the registration completion screen.
5. Please click "Mynavi BOOKS" (マイナビBOOKS) logo on the top left of the screen.
6. Click the "Cart" (カート) icon on the top of the screen.
7. Click the "Proceed to Checkout" (レジに進む) button.
If the below screen is displayed, please click "No" (今はしない) button to log on.