Web Designing

ウェブデザイニング | Web Designing | 情報戦略でビジネスを加速させる 毎月18日発売

2008 / 12

1,280 Yen

Feature 1: Theory on Color Combinations for Websites
- Eight Tips on Gradients, Using Grey, White Spaces, and more -
Feature 2: Complete Guide to Adobe Creative Suite 4
- Introducing all of the New Web-related Features! -
Intensive program: Innovations in Flash Development "ActionScript Libraries"
- Creating a Flash clock with "TeraClock" -
Special: Roaring success! "School Festival" in Rainy Shinjuku
- Report on web creative conference "dotFes" -
WD Interview
- North Kingdom "Glocal Creative" -
WD Website Front
Web trend in Japan

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2008 / 11

1,280 Yen

Feature 1: Preparation Guide for Internet Explorer 8
- Emergency measures to take before the official release -
Feature 2: Copyright 101 for Creators
- From copyright and portrait right to Creative Commons , what creators should know -
Intensive program: Innovations in Flash Development “ActionScript Libraries”
- Physics Simulations with “Box2DFlashAS3”(Part Two) -
New author: one's view
- Takashi Okada -
WD Website Front
Web trend in Japan

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2008 / 10

1,280 Yen

Feature 1: Web Designers Report 2008
- Tools, working environment, order volume, and style ? “industry standards” through questionnaires -
Feature 2: Make Something out of Loading Time
- Using Design to Turn “Loading Time” into a Positive Aspect of Your Site -
Intensive program: Innovations in Flash Development “ActionScript Libraries”
- Physics Simulations with “Box2DFlashAS3”(Part One) -
onClick: Site creation tool “BiND for WebLiFE* 2” for “Web composers”
- A three step process for any sudden client work! -
WD Website Front
Web trend in Japan

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2008 / 9

1,280 Yen

Feature 1: Transparent PNG + CSS Design is Here!
- Expand Your Limits for Websites with Layers -
Feature 2: From the Field: Learn about Interaction Design
- Techniques and Concepts for User-Centered Monozukuri -
Intensive program: Innovations in Flash Development "ActionScript Libraries"
- Easily Set up the comfortable motion by "Tweener" -
WD Website Front_In-Depth Report
- Experience the mysterious vision on web "Mind Lab." -
- Surprisingly web browser made by Adobe AIR -
WD Website Front
Web trend in Japan

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2008 / 8

1,280 Yen

Feature 1: The rest is Up to You! Ajax of the Future
- From Drawing and Flash Functions to automatic Multilingual Support -
Feature 2: The Web Creator’s Guide to the Video Industry
- The World of Video in an Era of Collaborative Work -
Intensive program: Innovations in Flash Development “ActionScript Libraries”
- Fundamentals of ActionScript Libraries, and how to get ready for development -
onClick: Getting Started with “Microformats”
- Just add to existing (X)HTML! -
New author: one's view
- Rei Inamoto(AKQA) -
- Yoshihiro Shindo(BeInteractive!) -
WD Website Front
Web trend in Japan

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2008 / 7

1,280 Yen

Feature 1: A reference guide on getting started with mobile sites
- All about Flash Lite: From site examples to tips on development -
Feature 2: 10 hot creators
- Attention! Hot, new talents that created 'those' sites -
Intensive program: HTML+Flash reference for non-PC devices
- Web site creation optimized for WILLCOM W-ZERO3 -
Renewal: CSS Analysis
- "Design View", a site that experiment with changes -
WD Website Front
Web trend in Japan

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2008 / 6

1,280 Yen

Feature 1: Hands-on photo retouching for the web
- Amazing three step technique that adds more depth and strength to your photographs -
Feature 2: Is Adobe AIR applicable to business?
- Examining the expectations and marketability of AIR through case studies -
Renewal: School for motion geeks_The Principal's Laboratory
- Searching for hospitality that isn't heavy and overbearing -
Intensive program: HTML+Flash reference for non-PC devices
- Web site creation optimized for PlayStation Portable -
New series: Hagihara Laboratory
- Exploring the Internet through numbers -
New author: one's view
- Tomo Nozawa (nitenichiryu.org) -
WD Website Front
Web trend in Japan

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2008 / 5

1,280 Yen

Feature 1: Learn from kids' sites
- How they’re answering the needs of demanding users -
Feature 2: HD for Web designers
- A new day for Web video has come with an H.264 supported Flash Player -
New series: AIR WORLD by KAYAC
- The Basics of Adobe AIR -
Intensive program: HTML+Flash reference for non-PC devices
- Web site creation optimized for PLAY STATION 3 -
New author: one's view
- Kazumasa Teshigawara(qubibi) -
- Yasukazu Kawachi(DesignWalker) -
OnClick: Microsoft MIX08 in Las Vegas Report
- What the β versions of Silverlight 2 and Internet Explorer 8 will bring -
Renewal: WD Website Front
Web trend in Japan

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2008 / 4

1,280 Yen

Feature 1: Fill your website with personality!
- Get that big client with a new design! -
Feature 2: XHTML+CSS design for "readability"
- From text to aesthetic layouts -
Intensive program: HTML+Flash reference for non-PC devices
- Web site creation optimized for Wii -
Series: Hello, AIR WORLD :-)
- Official 1.0 version released! Create a To Do List with SQLite -
Series: Get Started Using Ajax
- Easier and simpler HTML tables -
Website Front
Web trend in Japan

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2008 / 3

1,280 Yen

Feature 1: Idea resources of your favorite creators
- Inside the minds of 55 creators, and what goes on behind the scenes of their creativity -
Feature 2: Motion design from Sweden Sites
- "Nordic design" - what the popular aesthetic looks like on the web -
New series: Baby boom
- A new form of art from the prodigy, Yuichi Yokoyama -
Series: Website Front_In-Depth Report
- web plamo_Collect, build and play with plamo parts -
Series: Hello, AIR WORLD :-)
- Building audio clocks with a web service API (includes hourly chimes) -
Website Front
Web trend in Japan

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2008 / 2

1,280 Yen

Feature 1: Web directors of Japan
- New expressions, new styles: Ten creators that are shaping the future of the Web -
Feature 2: Being in the Know: The Newest Trends of Mobile Sites
- A Hit Maker Shares Tips on Planning and Production -
New series: Silverlight, Action! The world of RIA through XAML
- What is Silverlight?: Getting started with Silverlight -
New author: one's view
- I Need to Go_Hideki Watanabe(beacon communications) -
- INDIA_Hiroki Nakamura(DENTSU)-
Intensive program: HTML+Flash reference for non-PC devices
- Web design for iPod touch -
Website Front
Web trend in Japan

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2008 / 1

1,280 Yen

Feature 1: Let's discuss the year 2007
- Announcing the winners of MIW! Rounding up UNIQLOCK and Nico Nico Video! -
Feature 2: Selecting CMS tools for Web design
- How to decide with such a wide range of prices and scale -
Intensive program: HTML+Flash reference for non-PC devices
- Basic knowledge on optimizing specific devices -
New series: Beyond the Browser_Behind the scenes of interaction
- SONIC Floor_Sound and light, born from vibration -
Web Designing Live Seminar
- The working styles of prominent creative directors from the Web industry: This is what our ideal creator is like -
Website Front
Web trend in Japan

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